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Endocrine Disruptor Detox: Evidence-Based Approaches for Patient Health

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For over 40 years, Biotics Research Corporation has revolutionized the nutritional supplement industry by utilizing “The Best of Science and Nature”. Combining nature’s principles with scientific ingenuity, our products magnify the nutritional

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Boost Your Brain with Omega-3s

Not long ago, we seemed to accept the notion that humans only use 10% of their brains, as if the other 90% would remain a mystery forever. Today, not only has that myth b... Learn more

Happy “Healthy Heart” Month

With February being Heart Health Month, and Valentine’s Day, our love holiday, falling right in the middle of the month, we see a lot of heart symbols around. But as we h... Learn more

Detox 101

The word “detoxification” can trigger a lot of negative responses from people. When we think “detox,” we think discomfort or something we are afraid to do. Everyone has a... Learn more

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